Tuesday, July 22, 2014

My critics in Chicago are pathetic cowards. Deleted entry #5.

Re: re2 flatfoot author (Nationwide.)

"You just announced that you are not passionate about global warming and gun control."

I didn't announce that. I only acknowledged the hypocrite/profiteer/pigness of Al Gore and the difficult position our leaders at the Federal level are put in regarding the issue of gun control.

"Yet, when you invited anyone to debate you, you requested that it be on a subject you were passionate about, "economics, global warming, and gun control"."

Close enough. I am very passionate about those three issues. In particular, the COW.

I will be out of town for the next 48 hours with no access to anything but a relatives tablet. I do expect another long reply today or tomorrow but I won't be able to post much in return until Monday night. Just a quick entry or two.

In the meantime, I will say this: Virtually nothing will be done in America to slow down Anthropogenic Global Warming because those in power within business and government are far too greedy, self-centered, and corrupt to consider any legislation or voluntary act whatsoever which may impact their bottom line or their energy squandering lifestyles.

In other words, no CEO will compromise a profit. No rich pig will park a toy or close off a wing of their mansion. No administration will take any real action on the issue unless they do so for show offsetting that action with another benefiting the rich. Any action they do take will apply to us. Not them or the rich pigs they truly represent.

The American masses, for the most part, are not willing to compromise anything either. Sure 'green' sells but simple sacrifice does not.

There will be no solution to Anthropogenic Global Warming until the remaining fossil fuels are burned right into depletion or damn close. That won't be until much later this century or next. By then, the climate will be significantly hotter on average and far less stable. It will take a long time to recover.

Don't worry about the National debt your great grandchildren will live under. Worry about the effects of Anthropogenic Global Warming they will be forced to live with. Gore is a sell-out hypocrite pig but the issue is real.

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